Saturday, August 15, 2015

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris yang Dilengkapi dengan Arguments

Buat temen-temen yang lagi nyari contoh percakapan bahasa inggris (english conversation). Ini adalah salah satu contoh percakapan yang sudah penulis buat untuk menyelesaikan tugas sekolah. Temanya mengenai binatang buas yang berkeliaran apakah merugikan masyarakat atau tidak (Do the roam wild animals like dogs can harm the society?). Percakapannya dilengkapi arguments, itu sebabnya percakapan ini cukup panjang. Berikut contoh percakapan dengan arguments bahasa inggris.
Ninda            : Good morning, guys!
Atin & Tutik  : Good morning, Ninda
Atin               : How are you?
Ninda            : I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Atin & Tutik  : I’m good
Ninda            : By the way, what are you doing now?
Tutik              : We just talking about recently hot issues
Ninda            : May I join?
Atin               : Of course, then you can sit here.
Ninda            : Thank you.
Atin               : Ok, let’s start it over again. I want to ask something to you. Do you agree that the roam wild animals like dogs can harm the society?
Tutik              : I think not, it all depends on the type of animal, the amount, and the area where the wild animals were located. Sumatran tiger, elephant, may be dangerous if in the settlement, but it is very rare. And sometimes, the presence of wild animals in the ordinary course of society, such as in the meadow where wild horses, wild buffalo, wild goat is common. And people are not disturbed by wild animals, such as dogs or cats origin number only slightly. 
Atin                 : Yes, I agree with Tutik. But if you ask for more details about the presence ofthe excessive  stray dogs, as in Bali. I'm very sure it will disrupt society. Because now Bali is hot with the rabies virus carried by wild dogs, as we know the wild dogs not only roam but they also bite, people must try to avoid bites, but the number of stray dogs in Bali is very much, based on what I’ve read, the number of stray dogs there, reached 56,000 head in 2015, there is even mention of it that it has increased to 2.5 million per year. And with the 3 deaths due to rabies in Bali in 2015, the society is very restless. But stay calm, the government has attempted to control the rabies by eliminating stray dogs and vaccinating dogs and people. 
Atin                  : Wow great. I never thought there was anything like that outside this region 
Tutik                 : You should have heard about it, it were scattered in various media. Okay, now it's my turn. Have you heard about the government's policy to plant a tree? Do you think we should plant a tree in our homes?
Atin                  : Of course, planting trees have millions benefits, like: the beauty of the environment, prevent erosion, absorb rain water, as groundwater supplies, changing the temperature of the heat into a cool, balancing the ecosystem, as a variety of animal life, protects us from the sun's heat, dust, wind, and as silencers, generating much-needed human O2, and many more
Ninda                : Anyway, the government ordered us not only to plant trees at home. Last June the ministry of environment and minister of education and culture, said that in Indonesia the tree planting become movement. Each student and new student in the compulsory plant 5 trees within the school or college, and together with ministers of religion, bride in Indonesia should be planted 5 trees to obtain consent or marriage certificate services, while every year there are 4 million brides getting married. It is estimated, this will improve 60,000 hectares of critical land in various places in Indonesia.
Tutik                 : Really? So, we should have planting trees from the past
Ninda               : Yes, but there are other problems that cause our environment damaged 
Atin                  : What  is that (Apa itu?)
Ninda               : Garbage, there is garbage everywhere. And is it true that throwing garbage in the river is not good for the environment? 
Atin                  : Of course, throwing garbage in the river make water can not flow normally because the flow of the river obstructed by piles of garbage. And during the rainy season, floods often occurs because the river is not functioning properly 
Tutik                 : In addition, fish of the species extinct because many types of waste containing certain chemicals that can damage the ecosystem in the river. So also with the water quality becomes poor accompanied by unpleasant odor. In essence, throwing garbage in the river is really not good, therefore, the government urge us not to throw garbage in the river.
Ninda                : Oh my God, I have to go. See you later.
Atin & Tutik       : See you.

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