Friday, December 5, 2014

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris: Globalisasi

Speech Example: Globalization

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
First of all, let us praise to the almighty Allah SWT, because of his blessing we can attend this english speech contest.
Second, may peace be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness, from jahiliyah era to the islamic era namely ‘ummul islam. So by his gudance we are able to differentiate the approviate way and the inapproviate way, in order to enter God’s heaven.
Ladies and gentleman...
In this occasion, I would like to deliver my speech under the title “Globalization Challenges”. As we know, nowadays we are in globalization era. We often hear it. But what is it? And what are the challenges? These two questions will be my own concerns in this speech.
Ladies and gentleman...
Let’s come into the first questions. What is globalization?
Globalization is the process of transformation of local or regional phenomena into global or international phenomena. This process is a combination of economic, technologi, socio-cultural, and political forces. In other words every countries can influence other countries.
Because of globalization, this world which consists of many countries is like a global village . This term refers to the fact that people are considered to live in this planet without borders, without limitation. People are able to access any kinds of information easily. There’s no difficulty to communicate, there’s no barrier to interact with other people from all over the world.
Ladies and gentleman..
Before I go on into the second question, I would like to remind all of us that globalization brings positive and negative effects. The positive effects will be our advantages, while the negative effects which in my concern, to be our challenges. And again, this globalization has various aspects which influence the world, its effect is in industry, finance, politics, education, socio-culture, and health.
Ladies and gentleman...
Now, I would like to explain the positive impacts before going to the negative effects. In industry, globalization helps our industrial to promote their product to the society easily, they can use e-commerce, e-shop, e-auction, and a lot of way. Then in the field of finance, the presence of e-banking making our customers easier to save and take their money with a good security wherever they are. Next, in the political aspect, the candidate representatives, for example, will not get in trouble, will not get any obstacles in their campaign. Through social media, many candidates can do imaging and self-promotion. Then in the socio-cultural field, the use of sosial media, internet, and electronic devices among members of society making us get close relatives. Next, in the education and health aspects, education has evolved into a technology based, while in the medical field, our equipment that is already developing into a very modern technology.
Ladies and gentleman..
Now let’s go on into the second question. “What are the globalization challenges?”
First, we all know that behind the positive impacts there are also negative impacts, which in my concerns to be our challenges in this globalization era.
In industry, people get no difficulty to copy and paste our design beside of creating the design their self. Our people will have low self confident to show their own creatifity, their own character, their own behavior. Because everybody has rights to make everything they want to make.
In finance aspects, our challenges is the increasing of the hackers amount.
Anybody know what’s hackers?
Hacker is someone who seeks and exploits weaknesses in a computer system or computer network which motivated by multitude reasons, such as profit, protest, or challenges.
In the field of politics, eventhough a legislative candidate in the campaign will be easier and more convenient for many people to know.
So with that, the society will easier to propagate black campaign through social media. And, it would be a lot of criticism, a lot of people underestimate, will be a lot of loss and damage to the good name.
From this attitude, of course, there’s an injured party. We as a nation of habitual customs, our morals will decline because of the dismissive attitude that is not our identity. We as human beings, as social beings, we will affect each other.
So the criticism being delivered too, firm and hot will disturb the others who have different opinions. It would also be offended.
In the socio-cultural field, because we easily establish relationship globally. Then it’s easier to western and outside culture to influence our native culture. No need to see the positive or the negative effect. Surely the negative impacts more influence like human trafficking and drugs use. In addition, the closeness of the relationship that makes it easier for people to deceive others, through facebook, twitter, or whatever it could be named. Many people become the victim of this crime.
Ladies and gentleman...
It’s a fact that there are many challenges in globalization era. It can not be denied that globalization is related with competition and the ability to survive. The next question is : What should we do in order to face the globalization era?
The first one is, build up and strengthen good characters based on religion. Second we must be master of technology in order to develop our country. The last, always be ready to face any kinds of change and competition by preparing and upgrading our skills.
That’s all my speech. Hopefully, it will be useful for all of us. Thank you very much for your attention, and I ask forgiveness for my mistakes.
And the last I say
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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